The Following Is Presented In...

Today I attended a class in the conference room, next door to my office. I was told about 8 co-workers were to accompany me, but it ended up being the interim Safety Coordinator and myself.

I walked, correction, turned the corner towards the conference room about a half hour late expecting a corporate suit with thinning hair and bad coffee breath. As I made my entrance I discovered I couldn't have been wronger. A young, mildly attractive bright eyed creature stood with her hand extended for a greeting. My hands were both occupied, the left with my notebook and the right with my coffee mug (secretly filled with Monster). I utilize my exceptional coordination and accomplish the handshake and introduction flawlessly.

She smiles exposing her retainer and a resemblance of a quirky laugh escapes, at this point I am officially attracted to her. Before the class meeting began, she excused herself to remove her retainer. It reminded me that I wore braces for about 3 years of my life and wore my retainer all of 2 days after they were removed. When she spoke, it was obvious she was still adjusting to not having to deal with the apparatus.

Moving on, her fashion sense was very stylish judging by her frames and shoes. Her Starbucks seemed to be doing the job as she spoke extremely fast and could not remain still. For taking notes on these things, needless to say I didn't learn much. When all was said and done, she politely slipped me her business card and suggested I "give her a call anytime if I had any questions about anything." Score a point for me...I think.

'And bye-bye...and bye-bye you idiot...'
[Punch Drunk Love]

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