The All Time Low...

The All Time Low Times The All Time High of All Time Equals Good Times

Yeah, I've been fighting with an Excel formula all week long and I just gave up. Sort of like I gave up on this blog. Like I dumped it right, like a girlfriend...but then you're right back at her doorstep even though you know you shouldn't be but you're there anyway. Kinda like I shouldn't be posting a new blog. =countif(this:blog, "lame")+(counta(Todd:A, "dork")). I don't know...I have an idea... but I don't
know know.

Check it, Respeck it
Late of the Pier is probably not on my Zune's most played list but it should be. Broken is the shitake without the ake. Listen to it, B!

Whatever though, a couple of weeks ago in Indianapolis, Indiana (where I live at now, duh) the temperature looked like my overdrawn bank account...and then this week the snow was piled up to where I couldn't have made it to that girlfriend's doorstep I mentioned earlier...hypothetically. Oy vey, I've never been in weather like this but I'm holding up...beginner's luck.

I've seen thousands of movies this year already and the absolute worst was the one where that guy who played Jesus in Passion of the Christ, James Caviezel, crash lands on earth back in the day (Vikings) and fights some alien dragon amongst other things. Awful...if you are into that Sci-Fi channel BS you would probably rub one out to this flick but "it no bueno for me"...(that's what she said). I don't even want to mention the name of the movie Outlander or link to it's crappy site. It was the worst career move I've seen since I moved to Indiana, Aye Dios Mio!...just kidding.

Speaking of Spanish, one of the best I've seen so far was Madea Goes to Jail the subtitled Che with Benicio del Toro. Its self explanatory. I only saw the first part, but at the Midtown Art Cinema they are showing both installments next weekend. I wont be there, if i was there I'd be there but since I'm not I wont...I'll probably just dl it from Demonoid.

I cant find this one...anywhere

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