The Flickering

You don't care, but its okay.

I skipped out on a meeting today. Hey, I wasn't invited. I guess I did such a fantastic job of not participating in last week's sit downs they saved me the agony of the 'slow talk' from Mike. My mind always associates situations with movies, but we could have our own Godfather family in the workplace. We have a Mikey, Paulie, Jimmy, Johnny, Tommy, Bobby, Tony and Jaimie. Sounds like one on the surface, but when you get into the intricate workings in the communication processes, the lingo and the disappearance of the Safety Coordinator, I think we have a case..I think they 'rubbed' him out. Most of the women wear too much make up and I've seen more than 3 gold chains with crosses on the hairy chests on some of the fellas.

I think I'm Made, and lucky I am. Maybe I shouldn't have skipped that meeting! Now that I think about it. I'm screwed, they might be meeting about how they are going to 'make me dead'. . .Nah, I'm too valuable. Now I've gotten myself paranoid.

Today, as they were walking past my office to the conference room, one of the more attractive cougars entered, for what I'm still unsure. She made a comment on the way the light was coming through the [7] windows and how my desk was so organized and of course how cold it was. As far as pick-up lines go, she could have done better. Kidding. I'm not a big fan of small talk so I just smiled and brushed her off. I walked towards the door and turned the lights off hoping she wouldn't get the wrong message. Thankfully she got it right and followed me out.

The [fucking] Shins are [fucking] awesome. I know they've been around for a while but they are just now growing on me. Split Needles was playing in the office a little too loud yesterday, I didn't care. Those To Come, Caring Is Creepy, and Pink Bullets are very good songs. I really miss Iron & Wine though. Elliot Smith is good chill music, I like to fall asleep to it.

The World Without Magic and Nada Surf are pretty good indie bands. I need to read a thesaurus or sprinkle some more [fucking]s around, that always emphasizes stuff. But the songs Where Is My Mind and Do It Again by Nada Surf are hot shit. But none is better than Chin Up Chin Up!

go Captain! let's go, let's go, let's go

3 echoes:

At August 9, 2007 at 11:35 AM sub_par said...

You're getting kind of vulgar these days.

And you can't talk about the captain in public! I'm so embarrased for you.

At August 9, 2007 at 2:45 PM Todd said...

i have no idea what you are talking about.

At August 9, 2007 at 2:46 PM Anonymous said...

[fucking] losers


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