The Genuis Of Gondry

The Genius of Gondry

The French aren't that bad. I first heard the name when I saw the surreal commercials for a company within the trailers at the theater for Lacuna, Inc. Then I went to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and put two and two together. The 108 minute film has probably taken 1620 minutes of my life because I've seen it at least 15 times. I currently wish I could undergo the memory-altering procedure but that's another post all together.

Then, when I was a fan of Kanye West (he's almost in my good graces after hearing Us Placers and Stronger. . .almost), I learned Michel Gondry directed the Heard 'Em Say video and it was visually stunning. Making The Video on MTV gave some insight on the animated pianos, dominoes, and such. I began to do my research and YouTubed Beck, RadioHead, Bork, and White Stripes videos and became a fan of Gondry's genius imagination. As far as video direction, Spike Jonze isn't far behind. I'd see commercials such as for Gap and Smirnoff and know they were created by Gondry.

Then came The Science of Sleep which is one of those pieces of work that will be with me for life, again another post. The magic, the imagination, the dreams, and the dialogue were brilliant and intriguing to dissect. Nothing is off-limits and Michel pushes creativity to the edge. Every detail is thought out and original such as the plastic water.

I love Michel Gondry and wish he was a part of Paris, Je T'Aime along with Gus Van Sant, who directed the amazing Elephant, and the Coen Brothers.

I cannot wait for Gondry's upcoming films, Be Kind, Rewind, with Jack Black, and Master of Space and Time.

CoCoRosie! I am taken away with their music. It is, to say the least, way out there but also captivating. I heard Japan on my way home from work on the local college station and I was hooked. More to come...

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