The Knowledge, The Movement II

Is it responsible if one is aware of an issue or would like change but does not take action for a desired result? Such as a slow leak in a tire, a dead end career, a crappy relationship? Homelessness (here in Atlanta), AIDS, Healthcare, Immigration, Darfur?

Some citizens of The States only concern themselves with the politics of Iraq and more recently, the price of petro. Some may even go as far as immigration. Independent and Progressive are not only the genres of music and movies that suit my tastes, Independent and Progressive also pertain to my political and religious views. I'm definitely not a Republican and maybe not a Democrat. I'm not Conservative because I'm tolerant of basically everything and I'm not sure if I have enough in my accounts to be considered Liberal.

I somehow missed The Democratic Debate last night and caught the final remarks of The Republican Debate this evening. It was. . .shocking. I could not believe what I was seeing. The acts, the promises that will not be fulfilled, the unabashed shameless politics. Not to mention their views on issues such as immigration. Scary.

Mitt Romney looks the part. He's the smoothest criminal of them all. He kept alluding to Reagan and the future. When asked of immigration and the Spanish language being assimilated into America, (he runs campaign ads en Espanol) he says 'of course, I want their votes' and he somehow came to the subject of Asia's population and that we should look towards the future selling our products to them. ?. He's going to play Monopoly with America. The uberCapitalist. I have no issue with his religion. I was reading a book by Malcolm Gladwell, Blink, and he spoke of the Warren G. Harding Effect. Harding was the worst president ever. . .second worst after W. The thing that got him elected was his look.

Giuliani may be confused. He is running to be the President of The United States of America. It seems he is running for Mayor of The District of Columbia. Saying 'I turned around New York and if you elect me, I will turn Washington around too.'

The most shocking tidbits came from the Toms. Tommy Thompson said once that Miami is like a third world country. Miami is by far not poor city. I believe he was alluding to the cultural make up of the city with Hispanics/Latinos. Thompson goes on to say that Spanish should not be used as a language in The States and we must 'preserve' (which was an ongoing message in this Republican Debate for some reason. Like 'preserving' the Confederate Flag. It shows the intolerance of the Red Party) the English language because it 'holds us together'.

Tom Tancredo, a Paleoconservatist (sounds like cavemen) who believe that non Europeans should not be allowed to immigrate to The States, legally or illegally. He said tonight that at one point in the future, we have to be ready to stop all immigration in order to assimilate current immigrants to the American culture. Of course this means all non Europeans. 'Preservation' also came up in his comments.

Yes, people think like this in America. These are the same Americans who travel to different countries and do not take an effort to learn any part of the language or traditions in order to be respectful. This attitude of entitlement is not attractive and it alienates us all. They are the people who have a huge problem with the 1 second it takes to press a button for English.

Assimilation is how the African names and languages were taken away from the slaves. Assimilation is why Christianity is the only truly accepted religion and it's values are sort of a 'ride or die' law in The State. We sure did assimilate the Native Americans very well.

Assimilation should be the merging of cultures not forcing your views and customs onto another culture. Diversity is key to Progression! The Conservative White Americans and their politics are becoming a non-issue and they now find themselves begging and pleading for their own preservation. . .get the formaldehyde its time for their mummification.

John McCain, who I think is a double-agent Democrat, had the most sense of them all. On the language issue, his response was, 'Spanish was spoken in my state (Arizona) before we got there'. He also stated that we must give Hispanics/Latinos credit. Just look at the names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall. Visit Iraq and look in the eyes of the Hispanic/Latino men and women who are serving this country and tell them that their language will be abolished.

The White Stripes are not Americans but they have a stance on the immigration policy. In Icky Thump their newest single (I'm addicted to the song) they make a statement that White Americans are immigrants also. That is very true. Their video is subtitled in Spanish and it shows Jack walking across the Mexico border where they are building The Great Wall of Mexico. Stephen Colbert suggests we build a moat and fill it with alligators. Sarcasm.

One last subject. The term 'Islamic Terrorist' was used in The Republican Debate but not in The Democratic Debate. All terrorists are not Islamic and all followers of Islam are not terrorists. Just like all Republicans aren't racist. . .right?

And this Jabroni with TB that flew around the world. If he was a few shades darker he would be Clockwork Oranged to Guantanamo Bay.

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