The Wrong Way (Haha)

Haha I'm up and down, down and up
I'm the reverb, feedback and drowning out
Can you hear, in the back, where I'm coming from?
I'll dumb it down and numb it up to negative sums...

The Antagonist of irony and catch-22's
A waste of time and space so what's the news
Just the same sad novel so what's the use
Screwed if I don'ts and screwed if I do's

Haha, I'm such a cliche, unoriginal faker
I lack creativity, non assertive shit-taker
Dependent coward, 'preciate your wisdom
Constructive criticism..

Have you got it out of your system?
Have you got it out of your system!
Have I got you out of my system?
Have I got you out of my system!

Haha, Take it the wrong way, Love
I've had a such a long, long day of
Rapid heartbeats, over inflated lungs
Fear and panic, oh thankyou, yourewelcome!

Take it The Wrong Way, you'll get over it
Take it The Wrong Way, you'll get over it
Am I over you? Am I over you? Am I over you?
I am a lover of you, I am a lover of you, I am a lover of you!

Haha, Haha, Haha...

Sarcasm. It might make a pretty good song though. It's all good and my soul is at ease...for now. Its just a stupid blog. I talk about songs and movies I like and ramble on about my woes. Thats all.

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