The Pretty Effing Aceness

The Pretty Fucking Aceness

seeing the second installment of the modern day Cheech and Chong was pretty effing ace. Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay was a lot funnier than I thought it would be but did not thwart their debut; the one that transformed me into a toker-poser. probably you should see it before it all gets old and lame as it inevitably will, such as this post already has.

where do I go from here? the bag is working out well but I thinks its too big. I am what you can call a small guy...only in stature not status and in many areas, namely the arse, the bag is wider than me, so it looks like I'm carrying a huge canvas painting around...even better this long ass sentence. grammar today is not my priority bitchez. I'm going to buy another this week. 

I bought two books weeks ago at the local gay hub, Barnes & Noble and so far I have only read the dedications...(you know the part at the beginning of books where it says 'for...'. I always find it interesting. what I also find interesting is 'what if my backspace button didn't work?' that'd be fucked up). my favorite author Malcolm Gladwell, whose quotes of praise are on the cover on each of the books, has a blog that I need to add to my list. I discovered the trick to writing books...all is necessary would be to quote a ton of sources and use studies and statistical data to back up your opinion, no matter what it is. you are actually 'writing' about 19% of the 462 page book and thats just the bibliography in MLA format. source: yo momma. booyah! whateva, back to the books that did NOT come out of the self-help section although the titles could lead you to that conclusion. if its self-help, why are you reading someone else's advice? you wanker.

Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert is 'for Oli, under the apple tree'. thats all I have. its supposed to be like Blink, but instead of conscious decision making, its about what make you happy I think.

Better by Atul Gawande is for the cliche 'parents and sister' if you have parents and/or a sister. its supposed to be like Blink, but from a surgeon's perspective. conscious decision making while performing surgery. thats some seriously risky shiznit.

2 echoes:

At April 28, 2008 at 9:03 AM sub_par said...

I have 3 things wrong with this post:
1) Ace
2) Toker-poser
3) Shiznit
That's not you, stop trying to pick up on your little brother's lingo.


At May 6, 2008 at 8:34 PM Todd said...

what b?


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