The Convenience of Being....

The Convenience of Being a Dick

It is becoming a lot easier and more enjoyable to be a dick as opposed to the usual pleasant, appeasing pushover I've ripened in to. Albeit,  the transition is a process and I have not erected myself fully...but I'll say I'm a chubby. 

The gifts and the curses of taking a long, curvy country road to and from work are on total opposite ends of the visual spectrum. Firstly I enjoy the absence of poor drivers  fashionably changing lanes for no reason whatsoever. The big pay off though would be my not smart but brilliant sun rising and eye-witnessing it's rays explode through the tall, immaculate wooden statues you may call trees. (I'm going to watch Sunshine tonight) Seeing the real babbling brooks (not the ones Dane Cook mentioned) shallowly flowing over smooth rocks. Most of all, though, is seeing my first deer on the side of the road...alive. It was amazing. Days later I see another deer on the side of the road...dead. It was so sick...the bad sick. Not the 'Iron Man was so sick' sick. It took 3 days for the blood to wash away.

And then there is the ride back home...seeing shirtless wankers on their Nascar Edition zero-turn riding mowers. The hair on their shoulders are singed and their skin is fiery red. Why? Your lawn is still hideous. Ruins my 30 minute ride home. 

This project is so sick...the good one. Check it out, very ace and interesting or whateva:

that is why I love my sun.

1 echoes:

At May 20, 2008 at 3:10 PM sub_par said...

Don't turn anyone else into a pushover in your quest not to be one.


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