The Non Sequitur, I

The Non Sequitur, I

My first experiences with Jagermeister occured earlier this week. . .the exact day before I was to officially assume the responsibilities accompanied with my promotion. I didn't intend to drink on a Monday night, not heavily at least. The intoxicating effects were masked with a can of Monster (normally RedBull) in which case I took more 'bombs' than I would normally.

Later in the evening while sitting through Knocked Up, I diagnosed myself as pretty much wasted. The film, however, was pretty much awesome. The most honest, funniest, true to life movie I've seen in quite a while. I highly recommend catching it. I don't recommend 6 Jagerbombs before a big day, the hangover lingers an entire 24 hours.

A nudge in my salary is obviously what is included with this promotion but what I did not expect was the loose job description and the overall, nothing to do. That is what I fear. Twice a week I am obligated to hold a class but other than that, I'm just wandering and attempting to appear busy. . .for seven hours!

It doesn't help when you are voluntarily working 15 days straight. This may explain this down tempo post.

Tuesday I had a sit-down with my General Manager concerning my 'office', where I learned there will be more space than I previously assumed. I was shocked to hear that the Safety Coordinator was 'no longer part of the team'. I've said before that he was never there and I've also heard rumors he made his way around with the ladies in the office, one being the Human Resources representative. Yowza. I can see how the attractive, young college graduate could have been involved with a few of the feisty 'cougars' there. I don't have a problem with the older women and their advances, but I've decided to keep them guessing.

I was called a lame/gay/old fart recently by someone I consider[ed] a friend because I went to bed early (11:08pm).

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