The Anesthetic Never Set In And I'm Wondering Where The Apathy And Urgency Is That I Phone In.
You know what I think. Here is my conspiracy theory...I think (for now) that drug companies or pharmaceutical manufacturers like Pfizer and Merk make drugs without an initial need or market. Then doctors and psychiatrists begin to diagnose patients and prescribe the medication in conformity. Capitalists.
Think about it, I estimate 80% of the people I interact with are on some type of medication and I myself have been asked/persuaded to seek these 'restorative agents'. What did people do in 1950 when there wasn't an abundance of prescription medicine? I figure they bought some elixir from some dude with some mustache standing on some soapbox trying to make some money. He thrives on hypochondriacs, is this what our pharmaceutical manufacturers doing? Maybe its just advancement of technology and science is getting stronger. I'd like to believe that.
I'm not against meds because they do great things for people, but I know God didn't screw up while make our generation. Why are there so many f'ing commercials for sleep aids and anti-depressants. I mean...a commercial for prescription medication with a checklist of symptoms to tell your doctor you are experiencing. 'If you feel blank, have trouble blank...' so on and so on.
Take it a day at a time.
tags: indie progressive, soapbox