The Last Kiss
_I hope I haven't had my last kiss...with you. It is one of my favorite movies and right now, its the best soundtrack. Its cliched the soundtrack to my this moment. I'm definitely in love with you. No one who knows us can deny that. But the music...back to the music, I can cut and paste the lyrics of every song on The Last Kiss Soundtrack and each one would explain exactly how I feel. My exact thoughts. If anyone cares, just listen to the soundtrack for me, and give me a call. I need it. I need something. I have a heart...I feel...I'm sorry if I let any of you down. You guys know me, I'm still Todd_
Snow Patrol
This could be the very minute
I'm aware I'm alive
All these places feel like home
With a name I'd never chosen
I can make my first steps
As a child of 25
This is the straw, final straw in the
Roof of my mouth as I lie to you
Just because I'm sorry doesn't mean
I didn't enjoy it at the time
You're the only thing that I love
It scares me more every day
On my knees I think clearer
Goodness knows I saw it coming
Or at least I'll claim I did
But in truth I'm lost for words
What have I done it's too late for that
What have I become truth is nothing yet
A simple mistake starts the hardest time
I promise I'll do anything you ask...this time
Imogen Heap
Hide and Seek
Where are we? What the hell is going on?
The dust has only just begun to form,
Crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling.
Spin me round again and rub my eyes.
This can't be happening.When busy streets a mess with people
Would stop to hold their heads heavy.
Hide and seek.
Trains and sewing machines.
All those years they were here first.
Oily marks appear on walls
Where pleasure moments hung before.
The takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this still life.
Hide and seek.
Trains and sewing machines.
Blood and tears,They were here first.
Mmm, what you say?Mm, that you only meant well?
Well, of course you did.
Mmm, what you say?Mm, that it's all for the best?
Ah of course it is.
Mmm, what you say?Mm, that it's just what we need?
And you decided this.
Mmm what you say?What did she say?
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth.
Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs.
Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you.
You don't care a bit. You don't care a bit.
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth.
Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs.
Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you.
You don't care a bit.You don't care a bit.
_futile no avail...defeated_
tags: friendship, indie progressive, life, movies, music